Thursday, February 3, 2011

ABCs of DK!

The ABCs of DK
Absences:  When your child is ill, please call the school office.  When your child returns from an absence, you must send a note indicating the date of and the reason for the absence.  If your child needs to leave school early, send a note with him/her the day of the appointment.  You will need to sign your child out at the school office. 
After Care:  Students staying after school from 12-3 will first have lunch and playtime with the Kindergarten students.  After lunch they will come back to the classroom and do a variety of activities like playing games, crafts, and playing freely.  Parents can pick up children anytime between 12-3.  When you pick up your child please go through the school office and come to the classroom.  At 3:00 I will bring your child outside and we will sit on the blue bench under the classroom window. After 3:15 students who are left will proceed to daycare.  Daycare ends at 6:00pm. 
Arrival:  Students arriving by car may be dropped off in the carpool line and walk to the class line.  Parents may also park in the school parking lot and walk their child to the class line.  Students may not arrive alone before 7:45am as there is no supervision at this time.  If you wish you may put your child in morning daycare.  Daycare begins at 7:00am.  I ask that students stay in line and not run around in order to be ready to come into the classroom.  If your child arrives after 8:00, he/she must stop in the office to receive a tardy slip. 
Birthdays: As per school policy, there are no birthday celebrations at school.  No treats are allowed.  I invite your child to select a book, game, or piece of equipment for the class, wrap it, and bring it to share with the class as a permanent addition to the room.  I will provide your child with a crown and the students will make them a “Happy Birthday Book.”  If you are having a party at your home, you may send the invitations to school.  Please be sure to invite all children, for it hurts when one is not invited.
Book Orders:  There will be opportunities to order books through the Scholastic Book Club and others.  These books are offered to you at reduced prices.  Please try to order as often as possible because our classroom earns free books with each order.  This is a great way to build a home library for your child.  When ordering, please send the completed order form and payment to school with your child and make note of the due date.  You may pay with cash or a check
Clothes:  Please see the uniform code in the Parent-Student Handbook.  Please note the guidelines concerning shoes, socks and jackets.  Make sure your child can undo snaps, zip zippers, and all that is necessary to use the toilet on his/her own.  It is recommended that girls wear shorts under their skirts for outside play.  DK students do NOT need a P.E. uniform.
Communicate:  Please let me know about any changes in your child’s life that may affect his/her behavior or attitude at school.  The more I know, the more I can help resolve problems.  If you have any questions at any time, please ask.  Drop a note in your child’s daily folder or leave a message on the classroom voicemail.  Email is the best way to reach me. 
Curriculum:  Your DK student will be learning Kindergarten curriculum in all subjects.  You will receive a curriculum map at Back to School Night.
Daily Schedule:  Please note the daily schedule in the DK Handbook.  Students should wear athletic shoes with ties or Velcro on PE days so they do not slip off. 
Envelopes:  Families receive news packets from the office every week in the yellow Tuesday Family Envelope.  The oldest child in the family brings it home.  Please return the signed envelope in your child’s folder by Wednesday.  Any communication to the office (i.e. tuition, Scrip orders, etc) should be in the envelope.  Any communication for me should NOT go in the envelope. 
Folder:  The daily folder is my way of helping you receive notes and work from school.  Please read the newsletters and school notes, sign and return papers as soon as possible.  Help your child remember his/her folder each day.  The first folder is provided.  When it falls apart, please replace it.  Purchase one that is non-violent.  Remember to label the replacement folder with your child’s name.  On Mondays your child will be getting a Work Folder with the week’s work in it.  Please return it on Tuesday.
Going Home:  Sailor students are dismissed at 12:00pm.  Please go through the office and into the classroom to pick up your child.  Any student not picked up by 12:00 will be at the lunch benches with the Kindergarten students. 
Homework: Nightly Sailor homework is to read or be read to for 10-15 minutes.  I will also send home activities you can do with your child to practice skills. 
Illness:  When your child runs a fever, please keep him/her home for 24 hours after the fever breaks.  If your child has pink eye or strep throat, contact the school office immediately.  Your child must stay home until the physician indicates that they are not contagious.  Keeping a sick child home allows him/her to recover and not expose others. 
Kleenex, paper towels and wipes:  I will ask for your help periodically, as the school does not supply these items. 
Label, label, label:  Please label your child’s backpack/bags, lunch pail/lunch sack, and all clothing.  Please remember, all sweatshirts look the same!
Mass:  DK students attend school masses with their 7th grade “buddies.”  The first mass will be the Blessing of the Animals mass down the hill in October.
Open line of communication:  Please feel free to email me, leave me a voicemail through the school line, or talk with me in person if you have any questions or concerns involving your child. 
Quick goodbyes leave dry eyes!  Please try to say your goodbyes before I come outside in the morning.  The longer you stay, the harder it is.  Ninety-nine percent of the time the children are fine once they enter the classroom.
Snacks: Please pack a nutritious snack for your child.  We will be having snack each day followed by recess.
Treasure Box:  Occasionally students will be coming home with an item from our treasure box.
 Volunteers: We will be having parent classroom helpers beginning at the end of September.  If you can help, please fill out the volunteer form in your packet and return it to school as soon as possible.  For those of you that would like to help but can’t make it to the classroom, there are jobs that can be done at home, too.  Please let me know!
Wish List:  Periodically I will send home a wish list of items I need for the classroom.  Feel free to contribute if you can.
Zzzs:  In order for your child to have a successful school day he/she needs to be well-rested.  Establish a bedtime routine that gives your child 10-12 hours of sleep a night.  They will function more productively.  And remember to eat a healthy breakfast.